Orignal Venue becomes New Venue!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

God Always works things out! I will try to keep this story short and sweet. Awhile back when I knew Chris would be my husband I began thinking about a wedding. It was the first time in my life I had thought about marrying someone and especially a wedding. Well, as I began my search I felt drawn to Atlanta. While looking for venues in Atlanta I stumbles across the Biltmore Ballrooms. I was so impressed with it.

I told my parents and Edmee that was the place I would get married. Well, fast forward a year...that's right a year...and Chris and I come to Atlanta to look for wedding venues. Of course I go to the Biltmore and I thought it was beautiful, but I wasn't drawn to it like I thought I would be. Besides that when you added everything up it was pricey. So we continued our search and decided to go with another venue.

Well, as the time crept closer to the wedding we realized that our current venue was too small and had a host of other issues. We were devastated! What to do? Where to go? Well we both thought about the Biltmore.

So we called the women we had met with and explained our situation. We also let her know why we hadn't chose them before. So that began a day and half process of negotiations that brought the Biltmore down to the price we wanted to pay and not only that, but more incentives than we would have gotten had we booked with them a few months back. This is thanks to us being so close to the date and Chris' superior negotiation skills.

So what was a nightmare has become a dream and we are now back to the venue that I believe God wanted us at from the beginning!


Unknown said...

God always works it out doesnt He?! this wedding is so in His hands you are bound to have a few beautiful little surprises along the way.

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