We're not in Manhattan anymore Toto!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

So Chris and I did a little road trip from DC to Atlanta yesterday. I had a ton of stuff to bring down including my wedding dress; so flying was not an option. The trip was great especially great since I slept the first four hours. Chris would periodically get a little happy with the volume of the radio during that time, but other than that there weren't any bumps in the road...sorta speak. We even did a little detour in NC to see where the Tarheels play. They are Chris' favorite college basketball team. Although I don't know why since he attended and played for Brown...go figure when it comes to guys and their sports. That ended up being complicated since NCU has like a thousand separate campuses and buildings. Well, we when we reached South Carolina we needed to stop for gas, bathroom, ect. It was a very hick town called Dunkin. The Wendy's, gas station, convenience store and what looked like an arcade/entertainment center were all one giant place. I believe this was the "hotspot" in town. While I went to pay for my coffee, I noticed a magazine rack that had only three magazines. Here are two of them:

It was upon this discovery I had two thoughts: "What in the world?" and "Better calm down on the road rage with the South Carolinians!"


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